Off the Shelf were involved in developing a new App for the Bingo Association. This app is a brand new way for bingo players around the country to reconnect with their local clubs by finding ‘Bingo Friends’ in their neighbourhood. These new friends can then meet up and give themselves lifts to the club, something that is particularly useful for people who are unable to get to their local club due to transport or distance related problems.
Alongside the App we developed brand (logo and design) and a website to help advertise and promote the service.

Off the Shelf were involved in developing a new App for the Bingo Association. This app is a brand new way for bingo players around the country to reconnect with their local clubs by finding ‘Bingo Friends’ in their neighbourhood. These new friends can then meet up and give themselves lifts to the club, something that is particularly useful for people who are unable to get to their local club due to transport or distance related problems.
Alongside the App we developed brand (logo and design) and a website to help advertise and promote the service.